Refusing to forgive carries with it a heavy emotional cost and we do want to manifest a life worth living. However, if our mind keeps wandering - even subtly - into shame, or blame of others, "life," or even ourselves, then manifesting our personal goals becomes next to impossible…
Read MoreIf we are facing fear and it is not the cellular fear, we are holding a fixed thought, FEAR of failure, or the FEAR of the future in mind about a subject that we accept as reality and then reacting to it… A failure is in the past. It’s done and over.
Read MoreFighting for our personal freedom is not the same as living a life worth living. Look at our personal freedom, our purpose, our performance, our life and its events. The events of our life come and go and…
Read MoreIf we look at our life we will see that most of the time we do things just to please others, just to be accepted by others, rather than living the life we want.
Read MoreNow is the time to choose what we want our life to be and bring our words and actions into alignment with our desires by taking a STAND with a soulfulness attitude…
Read MoreIt is so easy to lock our mind onto old stories, sit on the fence of indecision awaiting the courage to let go of the past and limited beliefs, rather than being extraordinary by giving ourselves PERMISSION to...
Read MoreThere are dynamic energies within which you can move authentically and appropriately, so long as you remember that you are Spiritual Warriors.
Read MoreJust think about how our life would turn out if we scale the wall of self-doubt, let go of false ideas and give it a go to our authentic voice. There's no reason to "think" about it. Just step forward to connect with the deepest part of our authentic 'Self'.
Read MoreHow would you know if you have adopted limited beliefs of which you are not consciously aware? Your Beliefs..
Read MoreOur spring season is here. It's bursting with Life. It stretches before us--and we have the opportunity to come out of the isolation of our individual 'Self' trance and journey through the traps...
Read MoreDare to take 100% responsibility for your life and do the work that needs to be done in order to live a life of substance with clearer values... No matter how you feel about your 'Self', right now is the time for you to take account of yourself and...
Read MoreIf we fail to create an authentic-interaction with our true nature and bring our core values, our visions and the roles we play together, we will never be fully alive...
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