There are dynamic energies within which you can move authentically and appropriately, so long as you remember that you are Spiritual Warriors.
Read MoreHow would you know if you have adopted limited beliefs of which you are not consciously aware? Your Beliefs..
Read MoreDare to take 100% responsibility for your life and do the work that needs to be done in order to live a life of substance with clearer values... No matter how you feel about your 'Self', right now is the time for you to take account of yourself and...
Read MoreThe foundation of soulful-love is a call for you to commit yourself freely and without reservation. It is unconditional positive regard. It will allow you to be whole and accept all the parts of yourself. Soulful-love is an understanding that will lead you out into the pasture of possibility.
Read MoreThere's something about the start of a whole new year that provides the experience of a "clean sheet"-the freedom to leave behind what 'has been' and genuinely start ANEW from a FRESH frame of mind. So the question is: Standing on life's stage: Who will YOU show up as in the New Year?
Read MoreWhatever failures you have had in the past do not need to be with you one day longer. An inner revolution is taking place and you are called to find the life underneath your life situation and train your mind to think in a new way, a way that leads you to a resolution revolution...
Read MoreA ‘New World’ where you emphasize excellence over mediocracy and see beyond the superficial world of today, to a life of substance with deeper and clearer values. Then, every day is your time, your moment and your reason to live life, knowing there is always a clear choice between two polar opposites, living a life of intentional excellence vs. mediocrity.
Read MoreWe are living in very taxing and challenging times. The last few months have not been easy for many and most of us are feeling the emotional weight of how we value the lives of all human beings... I trust we will also agree that as human beings, we have a choice everyday regarding divine abundance through our attitude of thanks and giving.
Read MoreI believe you are born with the inherent capacity to know, at every given moment in time, exactly what you need and what is best for your life. This sense of knowing comes from a calm peaceful place inside of you where you can access all that you need to know to make decisions for yourself and be receptive to divine abundance.
Read MoreFull individual acceptance requires a set of values that conflicts with prevailing values. A central requirement of both self-acceptance and adjustment is that one re-fashion one's conception of integrity, of personal wholeness...
Read MoreI believe your reason for existence is to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, a rewarding life experience. This starts with doing the work to free your mind from the traps of your ego and increase the probabilities of your possibilities. That is, to ACTIVELY REJECT MEDIOCRITY, be your true nature and ...
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Some of us seem to have given up on ever reaching our personal goals. Perhaps some of us see the absence of what we truly want and are waiting for an external force to tell us what to do. Perhaps, we are not setting any goals at all and merely "existing". .. When we cut away all the junk, the choices are ours to make between interest and commitment...