The Life We Desire R 1.0

  1. If we want more out of life and want to achieve our personal goals, reduce relational stress in our life and experience a healthier lifestyle.

  2. If we want to discover the key to experiencing fulfilling relationships.

  3. If we want to get it together THIS year, what is it we are waiting for to step out of our comfort zone, and eliminate the problems that keep us from living the life we desire?

Allow me to approach this question from this perspective:

  • First, conflicts exist in our life because there are inconsistencies in the way we think and in our behavior.

  • Second, it is these conflicts with excuses, fears that confuse us from living the life we desire. Third, we are called to build an arch of courage, give ourselves permission to break out of the prison of conflicts, and breakthrough to success.

  • Lastly, I believe profoundly that each one of us was created to live the life we desire.

That is, as human beings we are a complex collection of potential characteristics as we choose to embrace the greatness that exists in ourselves, even though the voices inside us say no.

Do not look back.

It is finally our turn for a resolution revolution in order to become healthier, happier and live the life we desire. Why? Because, this is the moment we must free our mind from heavy emotions, old wounds and bad habits. How? By training our mind to think in a new way, a way that leads us to radically let go of what was, move on with what is, turn our life’s difficulties into opportunities, and engage our emotional wisdom through choices that elevate us both mentally and physically to conquer our challenges.
I believe if we choose a radical approach to get it together THIS year and ‘live the life we desire’ it will have a huge impact on winning the war that is raging inside our mind. Well, a radical approach to live the life we desire is not glamorous work. It requires a resolution revolution. That is, it takes commitment, want, will and it demands we acquire real sustained effort, earnestly invest in ourselves, and assume 100% responsibility for our life.

We will also be called to get the tools we need to be in compliance with the five elements of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, motivation, self-regulation (discipline), empathy and adeptness in relationships. Now, take a look at our life as the moths of time are eating away the fabric of it and we are allowing fear, guilt, pride and their cousins keep us from not proceeding with placing healthy dependency to work in every area of our life.

One thing for sure, fail to make real changes through a resolution revolution and we will greatly diminish our future. I trust we will accept the invitation to transform our belief system to one in which we can choose to be receptive to the magnetic quality of commitment and determination. Why?

Because through the magnetic field of commitment and determination, we will be receptive to create an EMPOWERING ROLE for ourselves—one that will make us fully determined and responsible for doing the work. We may want to ask what is the nature of this work? The work that will allow us to gain a clear life plan and unlock our full potential for supporting the success we desire.

This year is in full swing, fail to make a resolution of resolving to bring our core values, roles and vision together and take purposeful action within the next few days, we will greatly diminish the opportunity to experience the life we desire.

What will we choose?

I trust, we will choose to re-build a structure that honors finding the expression of what lights our fire, so that we find the life underneath our life situation. This is the choice that will allow us to step out of our comfort zone and uncover all the stimulating choices we will ever need to live this life as our true nature, the life we desire. The questions remain:

  1. What are some of the strategic decisions that will help us breakthrough to success?

  2. What will it take for us to create the results we want in our life, and breakthrough to Success?

It is my sense we may need to give ourselves permission to remove the conflicts that prevent us from following through on our resolutions and get the formula we need to become victorious and position us to live the life we desire.

Think about this before making our next life’s choice: Barack Obama has a coach. Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, and Tony Robbins have coaches. None of these people got to where they are on their own. So, why not us?

Be well and have a prosperous New Year.

Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2020

SuccessWindsor Lindor