Valued Relationships
In our short life, if we want to end the conflict in our relationships and most importantly if we want to have successful relationships:
What would it take for us to feel connected to our true essence—our authentic ‘Self’—in all the ups and downs of daily living?
When would we and our partner want to feel connected on the harmonious level, both in times of stress as well in times of joy and prosperity?
Why would we want to grow creatively as independent individuals at the same time that we grow closer together in intimacy?
What would it take for us to step out of our comfort zone and create relationships that are aligned with our core values, purpose and desires?
I believe a relationship is like a dance, and we were born with a capacity to dance together, and we each have a strong inner urge toward conscious loving. That is, on the dance floor of life, we have a strong desire toward love relationships that are free of mistrust, disharmony, and unspoken words.
We want our relationships to be springboards to higher consciousness and enhanced creative expression. However, for some of us, our parents or caretakers did not model to us the attributes of valued and fulfilling relationships. Thus, our experiences with relationships make the dance steps a struggle experience. We also feel compelled to live our lives in constant motion as we are encumbered by the burdens of our past programming. We forget that we have choices and two of the choices are:
Choose the experiences we desire in our relationships by getting the coaching tools we need to.
Be true to what we value on a relationship in order to be successful as we practice the steps to create an authentic interaction with our true nature, our core values.
This brings us to, what do we value on a relationship? This question is about our core values.
Our Core Values:
They are the ‘things’ that are important to us in concert to our relationships. That is, they provide meaning in our relationships, and they are our best guide to what will bring fulfillment in our relationships.
They design the choreography of the roles we will naturally play in our relationships. That is, if we are not in alignment with our core values, then everything we create or attract in our relationships will be out of step.
They are the bedrock of all our performance in our relationship, and the "Why" we are in the relationship—the reason for all of our actions within the relationship.
Below are the core values that reflect my personal bedrock of all my performance in my relationship, and they give clarity to my relationship by establishing the ideal standards and outcomes for how I want to experience my relationships:
Trust, intimacy, creative expression, connectedness, freedom, beauty, love, soulfulness, comfort, faith, peace, and grace.
Our core values need to resonate with our belief system and deep within our unconscious mind so that we can truly choose to live by them. Lastly, maintaining a true correspondent to our core values is the journey to a co-committed and its harmony will spring enhanced energy that will enable us to make a greater contribution.
This will lead to the ultimate reward in a close relationship, in which all within the relationship access more of their creativity as a result of their loving interaction and maintaining a true correspondent to their core values. The questions remain:
Are fear, pain, old wounds and their cousins keeping you from choosing the pathway to a life that binds love, harmony, and fulfillment into one powerful force?
Are you constantly falling back on old habits and self-destructive methods that are doing nothing but wearing you out?
How long can you do this? Really?
This is an opportunity for you to find the courage to gain a new perspective on valued relationships by getting the tools you need to remove the beliefs that are sabotaging you from true connection and discover the key to fulfillment, passion, and harmony in your relationships.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2020