The Life We Desire R 2.0


Do we have the raw intention to achieve our personal goals for this year and beyond?

If not, what corrections and changes do we need to make NOW, to assure the positive outcome we desire?

Well, this year is in full swing, and if we fail to make positive changes within the next few weeks, we greatly diminish the opportunity to live the life we desire for this year. It is also highly possible some of us have made some form of a resolution at the beginning of the year, and with this in mind:

  1. How committed are we to improvement, and make this year our best year ever?

  2. When would we choose to PURPOSEFULLY engage in creating the life we desire?

True, this is our life and it is our choice how we live our life. We can choose fear over trust, delusion over truth, doubt overconfidence, and mediocrity over excellence. The choices are ours to make.

Nevertheless, if we want to live the life we desire, we may need to give ourselves permission to remove conflicts that prevent us from following through on our resolutions. No question, this will require discipline determination, resolve, will power and commitment to take purposeful action.

If we have had enough of the way things have been for us, and know a lot of the words regarding personal development but we still can’t get the changes to stick.

Then this may be our time to be receptive to the magnetic quality of commitment. The choice that will allow us to:

  1. Step out of our comfort zone, give up all the reasons why we can’t.

  2. Have the raw intention to achieve our personal goals for this year and beyond.

The questions remain:

  1. What must be different in order to experience and achieve the results we desire in 2020?

  2. What will it take for us to raise our awareness and get into the mind-set of BEING and DOING rather than FEARING to break through to success?

True, living the life we desire is not glamorous work and it demands a ‘Resolution Revolution’. Nevertheless, the choices are ours to make. That is, think about this before making your next life’s choice: Barack Obama has a coach. Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, and Tony Robbins have coaches. None of these people got to where they are on their own. So, why not you?

Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2020

Life Coach, SuccessWindsor Lindor