In Gratitude to Women
- Have we noticed the breath of life in the now?
- Have we had a chance to take a moment and appreciate the rhythm of our heart beat and all that we have with a grateful attitude?
- Have we had a chance this month to pause and thank the women in our life?
They raise new leaders, new pioneers with a never-failing love and sweet security. They are women. They are abundant with understanding. As human beings, they do and be their best to take joy and excellence in all that they are, value all they are in the service of what they believe is their purpose. What genuine and purposeful gifts they are with:
- Civil liberties,
- Lives,
- Powerful minds and Identities.
They have accepted the call not to be distracted by the "shoulds" and other rules that may have diverted them from articulating their purpose and needs. Why? Because they beam with intelligence and wisdom. They are strong enough to make all their dreams come true by going beneath the surface and training their minds to think in a new way, a way that leads them to embrace their intuitive nature and achieve their greatest dreams on the dance floor of life.
No apologies. No regrets. They connect and inspire others to accept and commit to grow their characters and rejoice in gratitude. They lead. They consistently work through excellence. They recognize that their strength is weakened by attitudes that suggest that they do not need to mirror compassion and kindness. Their leadership character, it is from the depth of who they are, which energizes a wealth of comfort that can never be exhausted.
There is a perfect blend of genuine grace and strength. A perfect amalgam of the hard and the soft. They neither seek definition from anyone, nor do they wait for anyone to read their mind. They are always at choice. They are quite capable of articulating their purpose and needs. They are in many ways fiercely devoted to their family, community and country. They work relentlessly to find ways to instill self-confidence in those around them. They create and give from their heart and mind with honor. They are grounded. They speak their truth from their heart directly without judgment. They are simply prosperous. So steady and stable, yet spontaneous and free. Life-giving, they are abundant with faith in action and understanding. Their internal courage surpasses all.
This year, this month, this week, today and each day, I will take time to pause and thank the women in my life for mirroring commitment, responsibility, great love, tenacity, courage, intelligence, excellence, purpose, self-reliance, self-care and creativity.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2018