Your Personal Goals 2.0


Are you ready, willing and able to do the work necessary to achieve your personal goals? Only through the power of committed action will you achieve your personal goals and live your visions. Studies have shown we cannot  succeed until we connect our actions to something we truly value. It also takes WANT, WILL, smarter WORK, purposeful and inspired actions, and a bit more consistency. There is no other way. The bottom line, if you want to achieve your personal goals and produce significantly better RESULTS and do it in less TIME, you can simply get what 99% of the successful people in the world have. They have a life coach or a mentor to help them move their goals towards realization in the shortest amount of time possible. An integral resource that will support you in getting you where you want to be and bringing all of the elements of your wellness together to create overall success.  However,  any day you wish, you can start the process of accomplishing your personal goals. You can do it now, or next month, or next year. You can also do nothing because you feel that you cannot afford to take the steps necessary to shift LIMITING BELIEFS and live a life of prosperity and abundance.

A call for you to commit to your personal best with a SMART plan, you will live a life of abundance, prosperity, fulfillment and accomplishment.  That is, you will think of yourself as the majority shareholder in your life and eliminate the distractions that have been keeping you from transforming personal goals into tangible results. You will also execute beyond expectations by remaining FOCUSED on what's important, every single day—reaping the rewards of your true inspiration and achieving your personal goals. If you permit the sparks of this commitment to flicker and burn out, there is no way you will achieve your personal goals. However, fan the sparks of this commitment into flaming passion and you will also, over TIME, make this a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities. If you believe in the beauty of your dreams, the "achievability" of your personal goals and the viability of your SMART plan—you will 'move heaven and earth' to make them real. You WILL find the people to help you. You WILL get and stay organized. You WILL optimize the use of your time. You WILL commit to keep the momentum going until you reach your personal goals.  Life is short and unforgiving, the time to take action toward your personal goals is now.


When you keep going through the same habits of procrastination and drama, again and again—avoiding this and avoiding that with the same old sing-song of excuses, justifications and reasons, life does get to be rather predictable. You know what is coming next, your attitude just extracts the sparkles out of all of your personal goals. This is what happens when you FAIL to consistently commit to your personal best—day in day out.  Well, to be honest, you hack your life to death with “could-haves, should-haves, would-haves” you intended with each of your personal goals, but never got around to; or but someone got in the way and now it's pretty much all their fault that you didn't. Oh. Yeah. Right. That's right, when you keep pounding out the excuses, life becomes a bunch of reasons you ‘could not’. Meanwhile, your personal goals die a slow, agonizing death from a lack of attention, focus and purposeful action.

Thus, the question remains—what will take for you to commit to your personal best with a SMART plan and achieve your personal goals?

Step Up and learn how tap into your inner power and move from contemplation to purposeful action, from fearful thinking to embracing confidence and from lack of focus to an optimistic ATTITUDE necessary to move your personal goals out of your head and into your life.  If you don't make a move, sooner or later Life makes a move on you. Thus, stop paying lip-service to your "doing" your personal goals. A call for you to scale the wall of self-doubt. Step forward to the component parts of your personal goals and put them into a clearly-laid-out plan. The will power to succeed is the pure determination necessary to be fearless and triumph over uncertainty as you move towards your most cherished personal goals.
It is also true, you are capable of devoting yourself to larger and more important goals. An opportunity for you to set your personal goals into rock-solid plans and commit to achieve them. The simple fact of the matter is that it takes real POWER to achieve your personal goals. It requires you to stay away from toxic people—the kind of friends who want to inject you with the fear of trust, the fear of asking for help, the fear of commitment and the fear of paving the way to self-improvement. Find the means to become motivated, thereby creating an attitude built of strength and Personal COMMITMENT.

There is no mystery to this. Just look at the wisdom in these words. Raise your awareness and with the power of commitment, you can achieve your personal goals. It takes WANT. It takes COMMITMENT. It takes WORK and it takes WILL. Whether your personal goals are to be or not to be is largely dependent upon the nature of your attitude and actions. Get the tools you need to POWER UP your attitude. Set clear intentions, act now and re-build a structure that honors moving your personal goals forward. If you want to achieve your personal goals, add the following to your tools box:

  1. Step away from the predictable "every day is the same" routines and into the new possibilities all around you. It's about taking off the arrogant, smug attitudes that we "know it all" and have "done it all" and there is nothing more to learn. Stop thinking you know it all or you know what's coming around the bend.

  2. Turn your obstacles into opportunities. Opportunities demands you let go of what you "think you know" and believe that you can accomplish your personal goals and practice and embrace that belief fully, totally, cleanly, and whole-heartedly. You cannot achieve success and dominating fear in your life at the same time. You are either a believer, daring and eager to go with your values, roles and personal goals alive and well, or you remain stuck in place, constantly getting ready to get ready.

  3. Know your purpose behind accomplishing your personal goals. Whatever that experience is for you, make sure that you write it down and get very clear on what’s the why behind accomplishing your personal goals. Have the tools that will help you get clear on your life's direction, the organizational and TIME MANAGEMENT skills; and the penchant for taking purposeful ACTION that is required to move your personal goals out of your head and into your life. You can also get what 99% of the successful people in the world have. They have a life coach or a mentor to help them move their personal goals towards realization in the shortest amount of time possible. A coach is an integral resource that will support you in getting you where you want to be and bring all of the elements of your overall success and a brand new life, a life with a plan that will lead you to living a more fulfilling, loving, prosperous, abundant and balanced life.

Your Personal Goals. Your Courage. Your Choice. Your Life. <Read More>

What personal goals will bring out your passion just by talking about it?

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Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2017