The Finer Realms of Abundance
In the heart of divine abundance, we are called to rise, be fearless, responsible, accountable, action-oriented, discipline, enthusiastic, focused, resourceful, self-initiated, completion-driven, tenacious, adventurous and committed through excellence in action. A call for us not to respond to the expectations and judgments given to us from birth and unknowingly develop emotional roadblocks. We are not victims of Life’s circumstances. Playing the victims, holding on to emotional roadblocks, complaining–all are contracted states. They move us away from divine abundance. The road to 'Divine Abundance' can be difficult and thrilling to watch it take form. Beyond the consent thoughts, the small talk, the overwhelm feeling, the anxiety, dare to:
Find the courage to be truly committed and the strength to cut away at the cocoon that we have built around ourselves.
Open our heart to discovery in order to experience the mindset of BEING and DOING rather than FEARING.
Get the tools we need to replace certain Habits with things that will genuinely move us towards the gift of abundance that was prepared for us from the beginning.
Stop paying lip-service to our personal purpose and take the road to change purposefully.
I believe there is great treasure behind our skull and it has great powers. As artists of life, we can create and be open to abundance-the vision of all beings for peace of heart, mind and breath. We have the capacity to believe in life without limitations and to trust that there is something beyond what we already know. However, our performance appears to be one continuous stream of actions, reactions, situations and conditions. It is almost impossible to step aside and see what we are doing right, what we are doing wrong and what we need to do differently to immediately produce better results. Life is just a blur.
How critically do we want to create abundance in our life?
What would be a first easy act that would get us to extend our commitment to UNLOCK our full potential for making this a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities?
Any day we wish, we can start the process of making this a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities. We can do it this week, or we can also do nothing because we feel that we cannot afford to scale the wall of negativity and self-doubt. We can pretend rather than find the commitment to roll up our sleeves and do the work that will change our life to one in which we can shift limiting beliefs and create abundance in our life. It may not always feel like it, but the choices are ours to make. No matter how frustrated we may feel, there is always a way out. Just think about how our life would turn out if we were truly committed to build ourselves an arch of Courage and invested in ourselves trough a proven process that would lead us into some of the higher and finer realms of abundance.
Written By: Windsor Lindor, ELC
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