Enhancing the Quality of Life
We each have particular means and methods of enhancing the quality of our lives. However, as we endure life’s challenges in a world of conflicting tensions, we tend to forfeit our vitality and lose touch with our inner greatness to enhance the quality of our lives. Our determination to enhancing the quality of our lives is brought about by conscious ATTENTION, INTENTION and surfing the wave of transformational change to reach beyond our challenging times.
They are the choices that will lead us to re-build a structure that honors a ‘Resolution Revolution’ and find the means to go beyond our old mechanical patterns and raise our awareness to get into the mind-set of BEING and DOING rather than FEARING. While it is true, these are the choices of clarity and wisdom, and they are at the heart of enhancing the quality of life.
However, until we find the means to increase our level of COMMITMENT, and take 100% responsibility for creating a functional life, we will be passively sitting on the sidelines, complaining about not enhancing the quality of our lives. There is no getting around the work that is required to enhance the quality of life, and it is not glamorous work.
Nevertheless, as functional adults, we are quite capable of devoting ourselves to something more. Something with incredible proportions. Something like a ‘Resolution Revolution’ that allows us to reach beyond our challenging times and enhance the quality of our lives.
It is not always easy. It takes want, will and it demands we resolve our emotional baggage, find the means to take inspired steps towards making a commitment to be fearless and creating a ‘Resolution Revolution.’
A ‘Resolution Revolution’ that has propelled most of us on the path to doing the work that needed to be done in order to engage the life we desire purposefully with passion and enthusiasm. The work included living life through learning, determination, and the power of commitment to:
Turn off all the made-up beliefs, engage our maximum intelligence and emotional wisdom through choices that elevate us both mentally and physically to conquer our life’s challenges.
Take responsibility for the authorship of our own lives and find out our own individual path and purpose.
Maintain true correspondence with the features of emotional Intelligence, turn obstacles to opportunities and reach beyond our challenging times.
The questions for you remain:
Are you tripping over fears about what it would mean to be receptive to perseverance, persistence, commitment, and have the determination to enhance the quality of your life?
Which step forward can you take to eliminate the distractions that are keeping you from finding out what it might take to be fearless, and enhance the quality of your life?
Again, the requirements to enhance the quality of life can be difficult and thrilling to watch take form. However, dare to reach, take 100% responsibility for enhancing the quality of your life. It is a call for you to find the courage to be committed and the strength to honor a ‘Resolution Revolution,’ go beyond your old mechanical patterns and get into the mind-set of BEING and DOING rather than FEARING.
I trust you have gained value from this article and choose to consider doing the work that is required to be fearless and make optimism a way of life. I must note, in the midst of riding the waves of ‘intense transitional time,’ you will also want to step forward and build yourself an arch of courage and invest in yourself through a proven process that would position you to enhance the quality of your life through information and bold actions.
Actions that propel you on the path to doing the work for you to become committed to do what is required to take the roles of your human experiences in high definition and find the means to enhance the quality of your life.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2022