Have you found the answer to what is holding you back from approaching the life you desire, your life purpose? No matter what your answer is, the ego is a trickster, and it wants you to conform to its conditional programs that keep you stuck. Its purpose is to control you by keeping you from finding the personal commitment to:

  • Embrace the fact that you have enormous potential within your ‘Self.’

  • Conquer all of your fears, overcome life's incessant flood of darkness, and fan the ashes of lifeless hope.

  • Let go of self-defeating behavior and find the STARTING POINT for the life you desire, your life purpose.

Well, if you want to become all that you are meant to be. All that you know in your heart, you can be. If you are interested in living a life of fulfillment, balance, prosperity, and achieving the consistent results you demand in the major areas of your life, you are called to:

  • Discover a new way, a way that leads to freedom from the prison of the illusion of ‘I know.’

  • Re-rebuild a structure that will transform your life to one in which you can find the means to approach the life you desire by tapping into your personal blueprint and accessing your natural gifts.

  • Determine the best vehicle to make use of your gifts to create your life purpose through inspiration, expansion of the mind, evaluation, determination, and excellence in action.

True, the world is a much different place than it used to be and now more than ever it has become important for you to understand that you are the creator of your life purpose, the life you desire. Nevertheless, make no mistake, the process of approaching the life you desire to create your life purpose is not to be taken lightly.

This entire process requires your dedication and your COMMITMENT to fire up your tenacity, maintain focus on rebuilding a structure that honors taking the steps necessary to execute beyond expectations by:

  • Choosing the pathway to be perspicacious with your thoughts, words, deeds, and embracing the fact that you are 100% responsible for your life.

  • Cutting your ties to the emotional pain from the past and transforming your ego-based system to one in which you can discover the gaps to be receptive to the highest possible emotional quality of life.

  • Replacing certain habits and beliefs with things that are more conducive to the life you desire.

  • Having a written plan. A plan with SMART goals and a call to find the initial sequence by which you can engage your life in a continuous daily process of self-measurement, self-evaluation, and self-improvement.

The ultimate path that will lead you to approach the life you desire and create your life purpose….

Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2022

Windsor Lindor