Significant achievements, and excellence in action suggest unequivocally that manifesting a life of far greater SUCCESS requires personal commitment to hard work. There is no fast track to high achievement and excellence. With this in mind, there is a difference between interest and PERSONAL COMMITMENT. When we are interested in doing something, we do it only when circumstance permit. When we are committed to something, we accept no excuses, only results. The questions remain:
- How are we committed to our actions?
- What can we do in order to transform our life for the better?
- Where do we think the inability to find the source of success and empowerment to fuel transformational change comes from?
A C H I E V E M E N T - Requires Intensity Of Purpose and
Personal Commitment.
Take a long look at ourselves in the mirror and make a promise to give ourselves the same support we give so freely to others. Give birth to confidence and fan the sparks of our 'Personal Commitment' into flaming passion. Yes, we will over TIME, make this a life of far greater SUCCESS and infinite possibilities. The questions remain:
- Are we on track for reaching our goals? If not, why not?
- Could it be that our actions are inconsistent with our expectations?
High expectations with no personal commitment and a poor ability to execute are prescriptions for disaster. We might have the best of intentions to achieve our personal best each day, yet we do not act on our intentions and follow through by expecting MORE—executing BETTER with our commitment.
- Does that mean we are afraid of failure?
- Are we holding on to limiting beliefs about ourselves?
We get frustrated when we think and say we are committed to wanting something for ourselves, but no action follows that voice of commitment. It is our responsibility to stop paying lip-service to our commitment and execute better in order to live a more loving, prosperous, abundant and balanced life.
- Do we just wish and dream--then wait for our wishes to be granted?
- Or, do we make a personal commitment and create clear EXPECTATIONS for what we want-- then EXECUTE beyond expectations?
- Truthfully, which is it?
Personal commitment goes beyond making a choice. People gain a mysterious strength and resolve when they make a personal commitment. It is impossible to begin transforming for success without an absolute, personal commitment to a given role. Until we know what role we are going to play, there is no way we can fully power up our performance in order to break through to our success. Period. Without the personal commitment that comes from knowing precisely what's MOST important to us—we will continue to feel restless and bored with life—sometimes called that dull ache inside knowing that what we are doing is not the best we can do. Or, to the other extreme, we will feel burned out and stressed out with little to no real satisfying reward for the work we are doing.
We are called to find the ‘Key’ of personal commitment and use it to untangle from the conditional programs that keep us stuck and break through to our success. It is also true breaking through to our success takes time; it does not happen overnight and it requires, the power of Dedication, Discipline, Focus, Learning and the Power of Personal Commitment, the source of our empowerment. It will fuel positive transformation in our life. Our primary commitment is to know and believe we were born with the capacity to learn how to EXECUTE beyond expectations.
If we do not commit to make our life, our thoughts, our feelings, our goals and our time a priority, we will be lost in the currents of other people’s desires and expectations. If we do know who we are, make our life matter, acknowledge our feelings and act upon them, we can then begin to execute BETTER in a direction we have chosen and live a more loving, prosperous, abundant and balanced life.
Stop paying lip-service to our personal commitment! Haven't we suffered enough? This is our opportunity to put our good intentions into action by getting the tools we need to free our mind from limiting habits and fill it with the great truths of life. Just think about how our life would turn out if we were truly committed to invest in ourselves through a proven process that would lead us into some of the higher and finer realms of abundance.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2017