Think about of what you know or may not know of your beliefs about life, relationships, business, success, love, peace, fulfillment, heaven, hell etc.… etc... It is certain those beliefs are part of your belief system, and they form your dominant thoughts. These dominant thoughts rest within your subconscious mind, and this is where your reality exists in concert with some limited dominant thoughts or beliefs.

These beliefs may be true to you, and they are so, because you believe them to be true. They are not facts; they are beliefs, and you are convinced that they are true. Now, I ask you, are you aware that they are only true to you because of your subjective concept that only exists in your mind?

Well, with your answer, you might note that you know a section of people that would agree with you. Nevertheless, I submit to you, it just means your concept is one that is shared by many people. Just because many people believe it still does not make it a fact.

Nevertheless, some of those beliefs are limited and as limited thoughts, their primary objective is to separate you from your authentic ‘Self,’ and they refrain you from creating the life you desire. The question remains, why would you want to accept you are the cause of what 'You' do, and what 'You' achieve?

First, the law of life is the law of beliefs and the results and responses of your life flow from your internal mental filters, processes, and strategies that form your belief system—what is called your ‘Internal Map of Reality.’

Your belief system, in combination with other aspects of your ‘Internal Map of Reality,’ create the results, circumstances, and experiences of your life. Regardless of what you believe, you will find a way to create consistency between your life and your belief system.

Lastly, you are the cause for your life experience, and you do it consistency in three ways:

  1. You attract, and are attracted to, people and situations that confirm the truth of what you believe.

  2. You find ways to distort what you perceive so as to make a belief seem true, even if it is not. That is, you will pick those that confirm that your belief is true and filter out any interpretations that contradict your belief.

  3. You act in such a way that people finally comply with what you believe and act in the way you feared.

With all three ways, you get to be right about what you believe, and create consistency between your beliefs and your life. If you would rather be right than living the life you desire, this is a great strategy, but if you would like to create a life of meaning where you can experience true fulfillment, authenticity, a heart at peace and joy, it's a losing proposition.

On the final analysis, I highly recommend for you accept that you are the cause of what 'You' do, and what 'You' achieve. If you do accept this role by doing the work that is required to engage your emotional wisdom.

How? By doing the work that will move, you to achieve self-empowerment through the raw power of emotional intelligence.

Why? Because you will gain power over everything you do, experience a life where you take 100% responsibility for it with clearer values, tap into your personal intelligence, and achieve your greatest aspirations.

Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2023

Windsor Lindor