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Make the New Year Your Best Year Ever


The New Year stretches before you and offers the possibilities to take inspired steps towards LIVING the life you desire.
This offer is available if you choose to find the courage to embark on a journey that will lead you to:

  • Eliminate the diversions that keep you from taking a radical approach that calls for volition, determination, resolve, commitment, will power, imagination, and purposeful ACTION.

  • Learn the crucial skills that you need to power up your performance and convert your dreams into hard targets with specific milestones.

True, a great deal remains uncertain for the New Year. However, I am certain of four things:

  • Life can be very messy, tangled with many obstacles to overcome and bottlenecks to break through. It is also short and unforgiving. However, in that short life, you can't just stick out your thumb and hitchhike your way to transform your belief system to one in which you can become receptive to a culture of success.

  • In the New year and beyond, the only people who will become receptive to a culture of success are those who develop the skills to work a great deal SMARTER (consistently). No question, SMART for this New Year is the new RICH.

  • Within the next 90 days if you choose to put RESOLUTION into your Resolutions in order to move your hopes and dreams off the canvas and into your life, you will enlarge your ability to live the life you desire through excellence in action.

    If you believe in the beauty of your dreams, the "achievability" of your personal goals and the viability of your SMART plan—:

    You will 'move heaven and earth' to make them real.

    You will find the people to help you.

    You will optimize the use of your time.

    You WILL commit to keep the momentum going until you tap into your full potential for a rewarding life experience in the New Year. 

I trust you are aware your true nature is to transform; and experiencing the life you desire for the New Year takes more than belief. Thus, you must seek the kind of commitment that will allow you to:

  • Free your mind from the traps of your old beliefs. Without this freedom, you will always be struggling against something. With it, you are at liberty to pursue what you want by continuously reinventing your life.

  • Move beyond the illusion of “I know ....” This requires you to train your mind to think in a new way, a way that will lead you to engage in new experiences and thereby acquire a different perspective on life for the New Year.

  • Dismantle your reality of illusion by stepping beyond your previous personal best to actually achieve your ideal future.

  • Assume 100% responsibility to find the life underneath your life situation by investing in yourself and getting the tools you need to create a clear game plan that will support the life you desire, a brand-new life.

The simple truth is the first 90 days of the New Year will be most critical to your success because they set the tempo for the life you desire. It is also up to you to start accepting personal responsibility and to believe with conviction that you can make the New Year the best year ever. However, if you are interested in achieving your success for the New Year, your goals must be aligned with what you value most and you take the right ACTIONS.

Well, the New Year stretches before you, and it is offering you the unlimited possibilities to become receptive to a culture of success. However, Culture of success is a process for life changing positive results. If you are not committed to eliminate the obstacles that keep you from living the life you desire and achieving your New Year’s goals, culture of success is not for you at this time.

However, it is one thing to TALK about realizing your aspirations in the New Year, and it is quite another to actually ACHIEVE them. Thus, if you are ready to make the New Year your best and take the next step that will lead you to LIVE the life you desire, you will want to seize the next 90 days to be at cause with life and re-build a structure that honors creating a realistic action plan with the support you need to achieve the success you desire.

Start the New Year Right...

Written By: Windsor Lindor, ELC

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Make the New Year Your Best Year Ever Windsor Lindor, ELC