What is the meaning of the life you want to be living?

The answer to this question may require you to embrace your innermost being, assume 100% responsibility for the authorship of the life you desire and become the mental architect of your own personal transformation to find limitless possibilities.

It is also true personal transformation is a journey comprised of many steps on your personal path that takes you down a winding road of constant evolution. There, you will find the meaning of your life enthusiastically and fulfill your life purpose, the life you desire. However, you must confront the status quo of your own fear and lay claim to your right to:

  • Invest in what you truly value and prescribe to an environment that supports a more fulfilling and balanced life.

  • Create new conditions, embrace the meaning and purpose of your life.

  • Convert into someone who follows the road to authentic living and gain a clear understanding of your unique gifts, passions, needs and core values, so that you can live the life you desire.

  • Become proactive, adventurous and action oriented.

Actions that will propel you on the path to doing the work that needs to be done to live a purposeful life, and it starts with having a meaningful connection with your ‘Self’. The answer to this question is also about identifying the causes that matter most to you, and what you want your life to stand for. In short, it is about the meaning of your life. I trust you will agree unlike animals, which are driven simply to survive, you crave more from life than mere survival. Correct?

Then, I ask why you are here?

That is, are you living the life you desire, your life purpose, or what is the meaning of the life you want to be living? It has been suggested that our purpose is hidden in our joy, our inspiration, our excitement. As we act intentionally through excellence on what shows up in our life, our purpose and our desires show up.

I agree. I also believe without purpose, meaning and a valued life, it is easy to get distracted. It is easy to wander and drift, accomplishing nothing. Everyone wants to have a fulfilling life and a balanced life. Unfortunately, many people miss the key ingredients for this experience, and they are:

  • Determining what they are here to do and engaging that role purposefully with enthusiasm.

  • Understanding how to bring meaning to the life they want to be living.

  • Removing the conflicts that prevent them from creating a value base vision and reaching their greater part.

  • Gaining a clear understanding of their unique gifts, passions, needs, core values, and developing emotional intelligence.

I must note, they do not have a clear direction of their core values and where to go in life. They also have not appropriated the life changing power of transformation to redirect their life by sponging away the crippling pain of harmful actions and outcomes.

Think about it, your life is a totally unique story. You choose it to do something that only you can do, and whatever your present state or condition may be, there is a better and larger future in store for you. However, you must prepare yourself for it, and this article is not intended to tell you what you are here to do, or what the meaning of the life you want to be living ought to be.

Nevertheless, you cannot rise into the better and greater things unless you take the road to transformational change purposefully and bring meaning to your life. This is where you must be receptive to the power of commitment to sense why you are here, and breakthrough to live the life you desire, a purposeful life that is generous and worthy of the blessing and invitation that is always calling you.

I believe one of your primary tasks as a human being in the theater of life is to be defiance, decisive and determine what you are here to do. That is, you must do the work that is required to bring meaning to the life you want to be living, and be in alignment with your true destiny, the life you desire.

I also believe you were born to succeed, and as an incredibly sophisticated, subtle, and open-ended work of art, you have all the faculties to create the life you desire and bring meaning to it. However, the world is a much different place than it used to be and now more than ever it has become important for you to build yourself an arch of courage to:

  • Boldly discover what is holding you back and eliminate it.

  • Perform on purpose and commit to make progress on your goals and stay on your true path.

  • Have a major insight into your valued based vision.

  • Live on purpose to what's most important for you to get what you want from life.

Well, the clock is ticking. Do you hear it? Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick . . .

What is it you are waiting for to bring meaning to the life you want to be living, to overcome blocks and challenges and create a truly rewarding life experience?

As an Executive- Life Coach, when people come to me asking for solutions on how to create a truly rewarding life experience, I find that most people have a rather good idea of what they need to do. What they lack is an accurate picture of where they are today and/or exactly how to get what they want. They have also hit a roadblock and have not enjoyed ongoing success.

It is true, it is challenging to be affected by circumstances which are completely out of your control. You will encounter setbacks in this crazy world that will challenge you as you move forward to embrace your innermost being and the meaning of the life you want to be living.

However, no matter what anyone does to you along your path to create the life you desire, that person cannot interfere with that destiny when you are honoring the immensity that sleeps in your heart and the meaning of the life you want. Remember, you alone are responsible for your life.

Every day is your time, your moment, and your reason for bringing meaning to the life you want. It is a process, and it is work. It is more than a personal mission statement or a career goal. Without a doubt, it is a personal commitment to achieve an altered state of mind where you can seize every opportunity and understand how to make a permanent connection with the highest level of energy hidden within yourself.

There, you will be able to arise each day from a mindfulness place and approach your life purposefully as the majority shareholder. This entire process takes more than words and belief. It requires courage, steady diet of commitment, motivation, inspiration, and conviction must be a presence in your life.

The questions remain:

  • Where do you add the greatest value?

  • What is the social conditioning that prevents you from living the life you desire?

  • When will you be ready to achieve the consistent results you demand, and bring meaning to the life you want?

When you are ready, know you must create some space to eliminate the diversions that are keeping you from creating a culture of success, and intensity of purpose must click into position for you to:

  • Live a life that is orchestrated by your integrated mature spirit.

  • Discover the steps necessary to shift limiting beliefs to remove conflicts that prevent you from becoming the mental architect of your own personal transformation.

  • ACTIVELY choose to find the strength and courage to allow absolutely nothing to stand in your way of bringing meaning to the life you want to be living, overcome challenges and create effective strategies for a truly rewarding life experience, the life you desire.


The ultimate path that will lead you to create effective strategies for the life you desire.

Written By: Windsor Lindor, ELC

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