Exploring Life Purpose
Have we gained some clarity on what is our life purpose? What would it take for us to accumulate the benefits of that knowledge? No question, this will require for us to listen to the melodious voice of freedom calling us to:
Leave the ghost of yesteryears behind.
Seize the immeasurable power of a soulfulness attitude to create a brand-new life by surfing the wave of transformational change.
Turn into the uniqueness of our deepest needs in ways that we can honor ourselves, our family and community.
I believe one of the critical tasks, as human beings, is to explore our life purpose. This exploration will call us to be receptive to transformational change and be in alignment with our authentic selves. Beneath the surface of our ego's voracious cravings, our authentic desires are waiting patiently for us to explore our life purpose. A purpose that will bring us to the highest possible emotional quality of life to honor our core values, follow the voice of our higher selves and live on the raw edge of fulfillment, balance and prosperity, living the life we want.
We choose this Life to do something that only we can do. When would we choose to explore what is our individual purpose? Think about it! Optimistic men/women take the time to explore their life's mission and to determine what they are here to do. They then engage that role with passion and enthusiasm. They have the authentic power, the choice of clarity, wisdom to bridge the gap between who they are and who they want to be. They also know great works are not created by the ego. They arise from a deep inspiration on a higher level of consciousness and explore their life purpose through learning, determination and the power of commitment. As a result, they become extraordinary and get what they want out of life.
Some people spend years of their life only to find at the end that they have done the wrong things. They have wandered and have not been able to identify exactly what was holding them back and have not removed conflicts that prevented them from exploring their life purpose. They have extinguished the transforming value of a heart question, e.g., What is their deepest nature? Why are they here? What is this life of theirs all about? What kind of beings are they? What is it in them that knows? and knows that it knows that it knows? As a result, they blocked themselves from new truths and possibilities. I do not want this to happen to you. However, the clock is ticking. Do you hear it? Time IS of the essence to get started in finding the trust to live each day as a testament to what you are on earth to accomplish, your life purpose.
There you are. There’s no escaping it. Your world is a reflection of you and, if the view in your mirror does not elicit a certain spark to see beyond your difficulties, perhaps it is time to explore one of the following choices: 1) You can look back and succumb to rationalizing your failure to get what you wanted out of life, or 2) you can build on your core values, and learn to overcome the roadblocks that have stunted your ability to explore your life purpose and find limitless possibilities.
The primary objective to explore your life purpose is to bring meaning and inner fulfillment in your life. Give it a Go! You have huge potential within your ‘Self’ and it is time for you to find the STARTING POINT for a wonderful new future. You were born to explore life purpose and be extraordinary.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2018