Creating Enduring and Alive Relationships
I can recall the first moment when I soared in the sunlight of personal freedom to make this journey my best experience of intimacy and full creative expression. That autumn morning of long ago where the truth was forcefully brought out of me. I saw the light and I was the captive set free. I suffered to escape my cocoon of the pain that had blackened the days of my relationships with others.
I struggled with the effects of my own darkness. However, yearning had me lean forward and the reality was too great, too relentless, and prolonged; to numb myself would not work. I decided to make a conscious choice to do the work that was required for me to become the architect of my own transformational change and create an environment that would support enduring and alive relationships. That was, to become more receptive to a new level of Love which I have identified as soulful love, and to a new level of relationship which has been identified as ‘Spirit-centered Relationship’ by:
Letting go of limited beliefs, being fearless, and keeping myself on track to develop emotional intelligence. As I became more aware of the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that prevented me from taking enhancing actions for an enduring and alive relationship, I realized what I needed to do was to find a rhythm of thinking which reflected and articulated the uniqueness of my individual soul through greater love and intimacy.
Strengthening the bridge that would support higher consciousness, enhanced creative expression, learning the language of radical forgiveness, and letting go to live a life in the full, passionate expression of my heart’s desire.
Becoming more inner-directed, and most importantly to train my mind to think in a new way, a way that would lead me to give and receive attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and the joy and wealth of relationship. These elements with radical FORGIVENESS also offered me a path to cultivate greater love as a mature spiritual being. That is intimacy at its best.
Living in accord with my core values and allowing soulful love to take me into the heart of the human that I am choosing to become.
While I am experiencing great success with this work, I am unusually indebted to many of my clients and workshop attendees for more than 20 years in whom I glimpse such intriguing sparks from the campfire of human relationships, and their potential for a sparkling future. I am grateful to all the people in my life who have been bold and brave to be in relationships with me; family, friends, and partners.
I pieced together a heart from each of them, especially the ones who have loved me from a soulful place and whom I have loved from that place in return. I have also realized through the success of my work and as a Certified Life Coach that relationship troubles arrive in measures, and we stack them up real high, until we are convinced, we have no reason to do the work to heal and experience healthier relationship.
Well, if you feel defeated, I submit, you are wrong, for if you choose to deliberately invest in yourself, this work will open you to another path of accepting that you have the capacity to believe in life without limitations, allowing greater love and radical forgiveness to take you into the heart of the human that you are.
Why? Because creating and maintaining enduring and alive relationships cannot happen unless you are willing to commit yourself to make it happen. Also, in the warmth of life, it is one thing to fall in love with someone. It is another thing to Grow our love continuously and become more inner-directed, and most importantly to train our mind to think in a new way, a way that leads us to serve as a channel through which soulful love and compassion flow daily. Nevertheless, you have a responsibility to find a rhythm of thinking which reflects and articulates the uniqueness of what you want in your relationships.
It is true, creating enduring and alive relationships involves forming a “we” as you cultivate greater love (soulful love). I also believe by maintaining the work to cultivate greater love, you can never lose for long. Ignore the yesteryears’ setbacks that pile up and trouble you in your relationship. The future holds great promise, your destiny unknown, and you are never alone.
You are called to soar boldly, bravely toward your heart desires for your relationship. Let nothing darken the way. Be committed to allowing absolutely nothing to stand in your way to quench your thirst for the relationship you want. Yes, you can choose to access the tools you need to let go of the past, challenge your relationship beliefs, and create enduring and alive relationships.
Why? Because creating enduring and alive relationships as you maintain the work to cultivate greater love is the possibility of possibilities. It is and will always remain the mute mystery to whose ecstasy and ache we can only surrender with a bold Yes.
What I hope you grasp from this experience of creating enduring and alive relationships is that you seek because something in you has been touched. You are attracted to someone because you already have within you what you are attracted to.
You have the heart filled with the desire for greater love. You have the soul that will find your way. You have the courage with which you can do the work to let go of the past through a radical approach to forgiveness to create enduring and alive relationships that revere all things, especially the depth and sacredness of every day.
You can make this journey YOUR best experience of intimacy and full creative expression by choosing a community that will provide you a compassionate and safe environment as you embark on a journey that will lead you to experience the relationship you desire.
Our mission is to inspire genuine sharing in the present moment, transparency, and truthfulness.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2020