Resolution Revolution Approach
A Radical Approach to a New Year Resolution
Who will YOU show up as in the New Year?
Why are you refusing to do what 99% of the successful people in the world have done?
When are you going to find the commitment, the conviction, and the courage to seek help and start taking inspired steps towards LIVING the life you desire?
I believe to get the most out of life for the New Year, you will need to choose who you will show up as in the New Year to live the life you desire. No question, this will require taking a radical approach to life. An approach that calls for volition, determination, resolve, commitment, will power, imagination, and purposeful ACTION to find the path that leads you to living the life you desire. I call this radical approach, a ‘Resolution Revolution Approach.’
An approach that will call you to acquire real sustained effort, earnestly invest in yourself, assume 100% responsibility to find the life underneath your life situation, become committed to scale the wall of self-doubt and train your mind to think in a new way, a way that leads you to a resolution revolution for the New Year. If you do not, the moths of time will eat away the fabric of your life, and you will greatly diminish your ability to take inspired steps towards LIVING the life you desire.
The ego also plays a role on sabotaging your efforts to attain the results you desire and deserve with the arsenal of weapons it uses to keep control. Be aware, the ego uses unforgiving memories with limited beliefs. Yes, that little voice in the back of your head giving you all the reasons why you should not ask for help. This is the moment; you may want to give yourself permission to take a resolution revolution approach for the New Year where you get the help you need to do what 99% of the successful people in the world have done. They have a coach to help them get the most out of life. It is certain, not asking for help when you need it is an emotional trauma response and asking for help does not mean that you are hopeless. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence. Then I ask:
Which step forward can you take to make the New Year your best year ever?
What is your expectation for the New Year?
Is it to choose that which contributes most to your fulfillment in the midst of it all, and let it draw you closer, rather than away from the life you desire?
Yes, this is your life, you can choose mediocrity over excellence, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. However, with excellence, truth, and confidence, you will be receptive to courage, commitment, and conviction as you embrace the greatness that exists in you and take inspired steps towards LIVING the life you desire throughout the New Year.
The choices are yours to make. It is my sense you may want to accelerate your ability to embrace the greatness that exists in you and leap off that high dive, even though the voices inside you say, “I do not need help.” However, this will require a resolution revolution to be aware of the ego and its ability to create the ultimate level of mystification and, at this level, you either do not know that you do not know who you will show up as or, you think you know, but you really do not.
I trust you are aware that knowing is not enough; you must seek the kind of commitment that will move you to step beyond your previous personal best, and your opportunities beyond the illusion of “I know ....” into your life. Being willing is not enough as well; you must train your mind to think in a new way, a way that will lead you to do something about your mystification, dismantle your reality of illusion in order to become receptive to the highest possible emotional quality of life, and improve your ability to climb through adversity.
It does not end there. You must engage in new experiences and thereby acquire a different perspective on life through a resolution revolution. That is, you must POWER UP your performance and the commitment to:
Remove conflicts that prevent you from eliminating the distractions that are keeping you from planning your life goals and achieving the results you desire?
Invest in yourself and get the tools you need to create a clear game plan that will support the life you desire, a brand-new life?
Life is short and unforgiving. However, within the next 90 days if you choose to take a resolution revolution approach to your life, I am certain you will find the concealed door to self-empowerment that will steer you to strengthen your personal foundation and tap into your full potential for a rewarding life experience in the New Year by doing something with more impact and significance within the first 90 days of the New Year. You may also want to make motivation your steering wheel, and do the work that will help you:
Discover the key to actually LIVE the life you desire.
Achieve the consistent results you demand in your relationships.
Enhance your capacity to achieve the business success you desire.
Ready to take the next step that will lead you to discover the key to actually LIVE the life you desire in the New Year?
Written By: Windsor Lindor, ELC
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