Relationships Beliefs
What causes the most damage in relationships?
First, when individuals allow their mind to be domesticated, they reduce their relationships. Their longing becomes streamlined. They acquire sets of convictions in relation to love and relationships to each other. They parrot a belief system about love back and forth at each other, as if they were absolute insights. This belief system formed the grammar from which they built their language of love.
This belief system forms a set of limited beliefs that causes the most damage in relationships. This system also defines perceived limitations about us and how we create the relationship we desire. The limited beliefs within the system also have a huge impact on our self-esteem, our self-confidence and how we perceive ourselves in relationships.
It is also true we are the creators of our reality, and all our responses to whatever happens around our relationships. Through our journey of the heart, we are called to learn to acknowledge our limited beliefs and the conflict between our values and our belief system before we can learn to transform them to support our relationships’ core values, the relationships we desire.
The important approach now is to know of these limited beliefs and do the work to remove them for good and install new supported beliefs that are in concert with our core values. It is critical for us to gain control of our beliefs, our thoughts, our images, our dreams, and behaviors to experience the relationship we desire.
Great News! Beliefs can be deconstructed, and new beliefs fashioned. By uncovering our limiting beliefs and replacing them with internal narratives that can be leveraged for our massive advantage with our relationships’ core values then we can experience the relationship we desire. The questions remain:
What are your relationships’ core values?
What will it take for you to discover the value of you and the wonder that promote the relationships you desire?
Before answering these questions, you may want to start the process of challenging your relationships’ belief system. Well, you may find that most of these systems that guided you into this mindset are not even true. You will find that most of your past relationship sufferings were caused by the system and its limited beliefs. Why? Because the belief system that was put inside your mind is based on someone else’s dream and it is against your relationships’ core values. That is why it is important for you to establish the ideal standards (core values) and outcomes for how you want to be in a co-committed relationship.
However, establishing the ideal standards and outcomes for how you want to be in a co-committed relationship is a process that requires you to be aware of the transforming value of the heart. Lastly, being grounded in the characteristics and qualities of your relationships’ core values and becoming receptive to the wonder that promotes the relationships you desire is about:
Embarking on a journey that will lead you to experience greater love, intimacy, trust, and harmony.
Making conscious decisions, those that will lead you to overcome the roadblocks that have detoured you from cultivating greater love.
Cultivating the radiant, joyful heart within you that is love, creative expression, joy, and fulfillment.
You may also want to invest in your relationships and get the tools you need to become more aware of the thoughts and the core beliefs that create cognitive dissonance and block your ability to discover the value of you and the wonder that promotes the relationships you desire. This work must include:
Releasing all your judgments, resistance, grievances, expectations, and labels.
Consciously choosing more resourceful beliefs (install new beliefs) that will allow you to eliminate the inconsistent thoughts, limited beliefs, or attitudes and all emotional attachments to what others are, have, or do.
Learning the pathway to emotional intelligence, and co-commitment to successfully experience conscious loving in your relationships.
Identifying ways to become fully human and clarifying the results you are committed to achieving the relationships we desire.
If you are looking to find true love or embark on a journey that will lead you to, experience infinite love, intimacy, foster further closeness, friendship, and trust in your relationships, you will need a whole new approach to intimate relationships (®Enduring and Alive Relationships Coaching Program.)
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2021