The New Year is in full swing.
There is something about the start of a whole New Year that provides the experience of a "clean sheet", the freedom to leave behind what 'has been' and genuinely start ANEW from a FRESH frame of mind.
The possibilities are unlimited.
It stretches before you and you get to decide when you will be receptive to the power of commitment to make this 2021 your best year and experience the life you desire, the relationship you want.
The month of January offers you the opportunity to be mindful of the parts for the characters you will play to find the concealed door to self-empowerment that will steer you to develop flexibility of mind, eliminate the dysfunctional thought patterns that keep you from experiencing the relationship you desire and achieving the success you want.
True, this is your life, and fail to make real changes within the first 90 days of the New Year, you will greatly diminish the success for the life you desire in the New Year. It is also true, life can be very messy, tangled with many obstacles to overcome.
However, it remains your choice of how you choose to live your life. Well, the clock is ticking, and my question remains, what choices will you make within the next 90 days that will positively reflect your dedication and commitment to transforming your life, your relationship, your business, and become receptive to creating a culture of success?
I believe everything you will ever BE, DO, or HAVE in this journey comes down to 3 simple variables all of which are within your complete control: Your Core Values. Your VISIONS. The ROLES you play to LIVE your Values and ACHIEVE your Visions, the life you desire. However, to achieve the results you desire for the New Year it requires you to POWER UP your attitude and set clear intentions.
Nevertheless, if you are unwilling to let go of self-defeating behavior, the new year can be a time of tremendous devastation, anxiety, and discontentment. Thus, as you continue to navigate through your unique and evolving challenges, you are called to stop waiting for things to happen and instead get the tools that will help you find the concealed door to self-empowerment that will steer you to develop flexibility of mind and power your attitude.
This is an opportunity for you to re-build a structure that honors want, commitment, will, smart work, purposeful and inspired actions, and a bit more consistency as you turn your New Year's resolution into targets, and identify objectives and goals that are specific elements of your vision.
You must also escape the confinement of limitations, discover how not to wait, and take bold actions. Actions that will propel you on the path to replacing certain habits and limiting beliefs with things that are more conducive to the life you desire for the New Year as you are doing the work that will turn obstacles into opportunities and acquiring a certain level of proficiency that is satisfactory for the life you desire.
That is, you must do what 99% of the successful people in the world have done. They seek out the services of a life coach, a mentor who provides them the tools they need to:
Turn off all the made-up beliefs, explanations given to them consciously or unconsciously.
Take responsibility for the authorship of their own life and eliminate the distractions and diversions that have been keeping them from living each day as a testament to what they are on earth to accomplish.
Maintain true correspondence with the features of emotional Intelligence, turn obstacles to opportunities, and reach beyond their challenging times.
True, this is your life. It is your responsibility to live your life to its fullest and accept the accountability to live the life you desire starting in the New Year. However, if you choose to get your life on track in the New Year and achieve the consistent results you demand for the life you desire, you may want to be aware that the first 90 days set the tempo for the New Year.
It is also true, fail to make real changes within the first 90 days of the New Year, and you will greatly diminish the success for the life you desire in the New Year. Thus, the questions you may want to reflect on are:
What do you want or desire for the New Year and beyond?
Would you commit to having a good grasp of which goals will most fulfill you in the New Year?
Which step forward can you take to make the New Year your best year ever?
Why would you want to create a ‘Resolution Revolution’ to create the life you desire?
Well, the clock is ticking. Your Essence is waiting for the opportunity to reveal itself. A call for you to uncover the hidden blocks to your growth and success by daring to create a ‘Resolution Revolution’ in your life and giving yourself permission to:
Uproot the arrogance of the ego, identify strategies and keys for becoming intelligent about the emotional habits that can undermine your best intentions.
Make choices that will positively affect your relationships and allow you to become empowered to LIVE authentically in your sovereign power.
Get into the mindset of being and doing rather than fearing as you stop paying lip-service to your commitment to a quality life by making rock-solid PLANS.
POWER UP your performance by replacing certain habits and limiting beliefs with things that are more conducive to the life you desire.
Extend your commitment, learn the language of letting go, and step out of your comfort zone to step beyond your previous personal best to achieve the life you desire.
Following through with this commitment will liberate you from the dysfunctional thought patterns that are holding you back from investing in the formula to tap into your full potential for the life you desire. Nevertheless, the questions remain:
What will it take for you to prescribe to an environment that will support you taking 100% responsibility for your life with clearer values?
Within the next 90 days, when will you choose to move your personal goals towards realization in the shortest amount of time possible?
What choices will you make within the next 90 days that will positively reflect your dedication and commitment to the life you desire?
As for now, may your human journey throughout the New Year be corded with courage, prosperity, harmony, perfect health, and with the freshness of courage, may you live up to your highest human calling.
Thank you for stopping by and to learn more about transforming your life, your relationship, your business, and becoming receptive to creating a culture of success in the New Year visit ‘Building a Culture of Success’ at
Happy New Year and the life you desire awaits!
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2021