The Road to Get from Where We are to Where We Want to Be
A series of interactive webinars about the ‘ultimate path to approach the life we desire.’
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Would you consider taking a moment from your Tuesdays to be part of a virtual conversation, and share your approach or observation about the ‘ultimate path to successfully approach the life we desire?’
Through this series of interactive virtual conversations we will focus our talks on the road to get from where we are to where we want to be and more:
The steps necessary to take control of our lives and get clear on exactly what we want out of life.
The key to creating our life purpose and living a brand-new life.
The gaps to successfully approach the life we desire.
The concealed door to discover how not to wait, and create the life we desire.
To be part of this inspiring experience, and share your approach or observation about the ‘ultimate path to successfully approach the life we desire,’ RSVP today for the Tuesday's series.
You are welcome to call 831.324.4653 if you have any questions.