If you have had enough of the way things have been for you and want to improve your ability to cope successfully during this period of Covid-19, you will want to sign up for this upcoming webinar, ’BECOMING EMPOWERED - COVID_19 TAKE FLIGHT.'
This webinar is the third and last event for the 3 series of webinars on Covid_19. It is interactive, and Windsor Lindor will share his insights on becoming empowered through chaotic situations:
When: 4/26/2021
Time: 3:30 – 5:00 PM (PST - Check your local time)
Cost: *$20.00
Leader: Windsor Lindor, ELC
Windsor Lindor, ELC will also highlight:
Some of the strategic decisions that will help us improve our ability to climb through adversity.
An introduction to mediation with an actual guided meditation exercise.
Windsor Lindor, ELC is a renowned Executive-Life Coach with decades of proven experience in the spiritual and psychological fields of emotional intelligence... More@
Contact#: 831.324.4653
*CC Fees Not included