Windsor Lindor® Executive-Life Coaching

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The Power of Thanks & Giving

We are living in very taxing and challenging times. The last few months have not been easy for many and most of us are feeling the emotional weight of how we value the lives of all human beings.

During this moment of thanks and giving for divine abundance, it can be easy to latch onto the negative spiral and ride it all the way down.

We can choose to feel that we cannot afford to scale the wall of negativity and fear. That is, we can hold on to a grudge and wallow in self-pity rather than give in gratitude.

Moreover, if the idea of giving in gratitude to be receptive to divine abundance makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are.

We can choose an attitude of gratitude and the awareness of extracting all we can from this life through the power of giving. We can also choose to be a Bucket-Filler over a Bucket-Dipper.

The choices are ours to make. It is true we all have an invisible bucket and it determines how we feel about ourselves, about others and how we get along with people.

The unyielding secret of the bucket and the dipper is that when we fill another's bucket it does not take anything out of our own bucket. The level in our own bucket gets higher when we fill another's, and on the other hand, when we dip into another's bucket we do not fill our own.

We lose a little and are not receptive to the divine abundance. While some of us may have certainly experienced difficult moments this year; there is always much to be thankful and grateful for all the abundance in our lives.

I trust we will also agree that as human beings, we have a choice everyday regarding divine abundance through our attitude of thanks and giving.

A call for us to reflect and choose a different twist that could help us eliminate the diversions that are keeping us from becoming the magnificent human beings through the power of thanks, giving and sharing.

We have the ability to arise each morning and beyond with the voice of appreciation for the grandeur of this universe with all its awesome abundance.

I trust we will also agree that as human beings, we have a choice everyday regarding divine abundance through our attitude of thanks and giving.

In the heart of this thanks giving moment, we are called to reflect and choose a different twist that could help us eliminate the diversions that are keeping us from becoming the magnificent human beings through the power of thanks, giving and sharing.

We have the ability to arise each morning and beyond with the voice of appreciation for the grandeur of this universe with all its awesome abundance. In the heart of this thanks giving moment, we are called to:

  1. Build ourselves an arch of courage and take 100% responsibility for our life.

  2. Choose Emotional Intelligence, Engagement and Enthusiasm to be our companions.

  3. Create positive changes in our life and reconnect with what we are grateful for in our life.

The more we can do that on a daily basis, the greater the shift to increased prosperity, fulfillment and divine abundance.

Now, let us get ourselves ready and learn how to have a change of heart as we walk daily in conscious gratitude for what we have, who we are, the freedom we have and what is available to us. Conscious Gratitude will always reciprocate with bigger blessings.

In this thanks and giving moment, we are called to s-t-r-e-t-c-h our heart and our ability to give, not just on this day or when things are going smoothly, but particularly when we are more challenged and probably a little afraid.

That is why I want to put the spotlight on the power of thanks and giving. I feel that it is critically important that we practice reaching beyond the current circumstances and renew our commitment to:

  1. Give something to everyone we come into contact with, and so we will begin the process of circulating loving-kindness, self-care, peace in our life and in the lives of others. Treat everyone with dignity and each time we meet someone, we will silently wish them happiness, joy and laughter.

  2. Be receptive to receive all the gifts that life has to offer us with waves of gratitude. We will receive the gifts of nature. We will also be open to receiving from others, whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment or a prayer.

  3. Keep wealth circulating in our life through thanks and giving in gratitude. We will be receptive life’s most precious gift: Divine Abundance.

Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2017