Living Purposefully
Conflicts exist because there are inconsistencies in what we believe, the way we think and ultimately in our behavior. It is these conflicts with excuses that confuse us and keep us from having a major insight into our life’s mission in order to live purposefully. When the conflicts and excuses are gone, we feel whole. It is a healing process that will allow us to reach our wholeness or nobler part. Here’s the deal: If we look in our life to the times when we have been given opportunities that would help us make dramatic transformational changes and create massive results—we probably have used a “playing it safe” excuse and “reasons” like, "We can’t afford it." "We don’t have the time." "We are not sure it will work for us." "We can do this on our own." Do not build our beliefs as our Prison. That is, if beliefs cannot stand up to scrutiny--if they cannot be questioned for fear that we will be "punished", I ask that we question the godliness of those beliefs. Dare to know living purposefully takes more than words and belief. It requires the raw personal COMMITMENT to:
Live a life that is orchestrated by our integrated mature spirit.
Discover the steps necessary to shift limiting beliefs in order to remove conflicts that prevent us from becoming the mental architect of our own personal transformation.
ACTIVELY choose to find the strength and courage to invest in improving the quality of our own life.
There is nothing more important than investing in improving the quality of our own life and discovering an effective approach to becoming the mental architect of our own personal transformation. Not only will this help us live purposefully, it will bring to the surface life’s rich abundance that is so often invisible to us. We deserve the best. The question remains, what would it take for us to win the war that is raging inside our mind and begin to live life purposefully?
No matter what our answer is, this one thing is for sure, this is our life in this earth's life system and if we wonder why we are struggling to live a life purposefully, I am certain it is because we are not committed to get the tools we need to lay claim our right to create new conditions, embrace the meaning and purpose, the mystery and the beauty of our life. We also do not have a tangible written plan with SMART goals, pointing us forward in becoming the mental architect of our own personal transformation. I believe living purposefully will allow us to find limitless possibilities. There, we will need to become Undaunted, Eager, Proactive, Adventurous and Action-oriented. Actions that will propel us on the path to doing the work that needs to be done in order to take responsibility for the authorship of our own life and become the mental architect of our own personal transformation. We will achieve an altered state of mind where we can seize every opportunity and understand how to make a permanent connection with the highest level of energy hidden within us, living purposefully.
A new starting point to expect more and execute better in order to live the life you want.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2017