Windsor Lindor® Executive-Life Coaching

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Becoming Stress Resilient - Creating Balance

This article is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, nor does it offer specific remedies to stress-related illnesses.

What we refer to as our “Life” should more accurately be called our “life situation.” It is psychological time, past and future; and each day we live what we call reality. We rush through our days in such stress and intensity, as if we were here to stay.  Our reason for existence is to live a fulfilled and balanced life, and it starts with having a meaningful connection with ourselves and being stress resilient. It is also true, life is a series of choices and being free from our internal stressors (fears or unrealistic expectations) and external stressors (family or work demands) is one of these choices.

Because of our destructive beliefs, e.g., working in a constant state of emergency and fear of the unknown, we are unable or unwilling to stop and draw a breath, stop and think calmly about the overview or about different choices. Over the long term, such stress builds up. This long-term, accumulating stress results from the build-up of demands and lifestyle changes.
Many of us have also lost touch with our body. Our body may have been calling out for help. However, we are so preoccupied with stressors and our life’s demands that we ignore our body’s signals. We also have lost touch with our inner voice by focusing on ‘shoulds’ and other people’s opinions and expectations. The values, attitudes and behavior patterns that make up our uniqueness as individuals ultimately make us more or less vulnerable to stress. Personal stress lies within our perception or concept of ourselves. Low self-esteem can lead to a number of stress-inducing problems:

  • Inability to adapt, willingness to place excessively high demands on ourselves and lack of assertiveness.
  • It can also lead to poor self-expression, so that we harbor negative emotions such as anger, fear, aggression and anxiety, rather than giving vent to them.

Is this the life we have chosen, the life we truly want to live?

Managing stress and maintaining inner peace in your life depends a great deal on developing a sense of internal safety. If we have low self-esteem, feel inadequate, and/or beat ourselves up mentally with negative self-talk, our sense of internal worth is constantly being compromised. The real lessons on responding effectively to Life's Stressors are learned by recognizing and coming to terms with being human. It is how we stand up to failure and which really marks our progress in life.  Four of the most important lessons are to learn:

  • To just let go of the past.
  • To walk where failures fear to walk.
  • To work when failures seek rest.
  • To act now for now is all we have.

Stress also arises in our life as a sign that things are not in balance. It is a natural indicator that tells us it is time to take action. If we ignore it, the situation only gets worse. Think how much easier our day would be if we could become stress resilient. “Impossible,” some of us will say? Hardly, it is not only something that can be accomplished, but we can start right now at reducing the effects of stress on our body. Not only can we begin to feel less tension nearly immediately, but we will also contribute to our overall wellbeing.

I am certain we are aware that intense stress is bad for us and to put it bluntly, it can kill us. Studies have revealed that it can make us more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer. Seek out effective strategies to become stress resilient and choose the pathway to health, prosperity, fulfillment and inner peace. We must also get the tools we need to take control of our life through transformational change. Transformational change is the best solution to kill this stress parasite which is interfering with creating a well-balanced life.

Written By: Windsor Lindor

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