A Good Teacher - Life
The following article/blog offers my perspective on life as a teacher. It is a result from what we have been through for more than 12 months with Covid-19…
True, this pandemic is obvious a crisis of a virus. There is also a parallel pandemic where the norm has fallen apart, creating stress and anxiety. This is where mental health in crisis is showing its face.
We are at a point where we can honestly admit that we are doing nothing to successfully manage our stress in a healthy way, and our current approach is not working well enough for us to see positive results.
I invite us to get the help we need to successfully work with chaotic situations, cultivate compassionate, energetic social action, manage our stress, and learn to participate in our own physical and emotional healing. True, we have been through a great deal of stress and uncertainty during our isolation period. And yes, it has been a moment of trauma and the norm has been altered.
For more than a year, we have been reminded that life is very messy, tangled, with many obstacles to overcome and bottlenecks to break through. It has required us to have constant courage to reach beyond our challenging times and successfully cope when things fall apart by engaging our life through choices that will lead us to become receptive to the highest possible emotional quality of life.
One thing is certain, life is a good teacher and a good friend. Things are always in transition, if we could only realize it. Nothing ever sums itself up in the way that we like to dream about. The off-center, in-between state is an ideal situation, a situation in which we can open our heart and minds beyond limit. It is a very tender, non-aggressive, open-ended state affairs. Because we must stay with that shakiness, to stay with this isolation, this unknown for so long with the feeling of hopelessness, we begin taking our anger out on those closest to us.
Each day, life offers us many opportunities to open or shut down with anger. The most precious opportunity presents itself when we come to the place where we think we cannot manage whatever is happening, it is too much to handle.
When we are forced to face our truth, the suffering is doubled. That is, not only we have to deal with the stress of this pandemic, we also must deal with what we see in the mirror, and there we are with our pimples, our aging face, our lack of kindness, our aggression and timidity all that stuff.
We might realize that this a vulnerable and tender place, and that tenderness can go either way. We can shut down and feel resentful or we can do the work to reach beyond our challenging times, become empowered to successfully cope when things fall apart.
Well, most of us do not take life’s situations as teachings. We automatically hate them and add fuel to our anger. We use all kinds of ways to escape---all addictions stem from this moment when we meet our edge, and we just cannot stand it. We feel we must pad it with something, and we become addicted to whatever it is that seems to ease the pain.
This is an invitation for us to notice life’s lessons with absolute awareness when we reach our limit and to not get carried away by stress and anger. This includes our ability to acknowledge our emotions and feelings without judgment. I also recommend that we find the means to eliminate the diversions that keep us from building a structure that honors moving beyond the boundaries of our ego by getting the tools we need to:
Be receptive to conscious transformation and the extinction of our limited beliefs.
Take the roles of our human experiences in high definition and experience true fulfillment even through this covid-19 pandemic.
Find the means to live on the raw edge of reaching beyond our challenging times and be receptive to the highest possible emotional quality of life.
A call to engage our emotional wisdom through choices that will lead us to improve our ability to understand the ways we can grow emotionally every day, in all that we do.
Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2021
Ready to engage your life through choices that will lead you to become receptive to the highest possible emotional quality of life?
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