Windsor Lindor® Executive-Life Coaching

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Life’s Precious Gifts

2020 has been an intense year for a lot of us and throughout the year, we find ourselves calling for our leaders to mirror civility, consolation, good-naturedness, and serenity for our nation as we navigate through these unique and evolving challenges.

Nevertheless, it is true we must also be intelligent about the emotional habits that can undermine our success to experience a deeper connection to the essence of each other’s well-being. This is a wonderful time to play a role in helping keep each other safe during this pandemic and give ourselves the precious gifts that life can offer us.

Before we can fully appreciate these gifts, we must not let pride, procrastination, and their cousins be in our way or prevent us from achieving self-empowerment, the richness of human experience, and accepting the following before we can be receptive to life’s precious gifts:

  1. Agree to use the keys that will open the concealed doors to:

    • Dispel all the images of who we think we are and let go of the past as we become receptive to choices that reflect clarity, radical honesty, wisdom, and conscious transformation.

    • Creative courage, commitment, and conviction that will call for us to free our mind from the interpersonal difficulties, emotional pain, resistance, tension, and fear of change.

    • Succeed with any plan ultimately resulting in reaching our goals.

  2. Consent to look within our thoughts, our emotions, and our body to reclaim our power to bring our words and actions into alignment with our desires.

  3. Take the call from the nourishing and melodious voice of freedom that encourages us not to settle for a false shelter that does not serve our ability to move toward strengthening our personal foundation and tap into our full potential for the life we desire.

The questions remain:

  1. Have our leaders heard our cry to stop the cataclysm of sexism, homophobia, chaos, hate, racism, and petulance?

  2. What are some of the non-negotiable things that will be helpful to navigate these challenging moments and come out the other side in better shape?
    What would life be if all men and women could unlock the infinite power of life’s precious gifts?

Life’s precious gifts are love, grace, and joy. They are ‘The Light’ that is birthed out of a relationship with radical forgiveness and loving-kindness.

As for me, I embrace ‘The Light’ with a heart at peace. It is a wonderfully inspiring time to mirror life’s precious gifts, share its power of love, grace, and spread the joy with a heart at peace. That is, if peace is to be, it is up to me to contribute to the process, making the world a better place for all of us. Your contribution will be very helpful. Thus, would you join me?

I am certain if you choose to join me, we will start the process of helping the age of peace to arrive. Now, may the wonder of life’s precious gifts surround us, and the warmth of this Holiday season grant us the ability to reach within ourselves with a heart at peace and reach out to others in kindness.

Written By: Windsor Lindor © 2020

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Life's Precious Gifts Windsor Lindor, ELC